
Thursday, May 28, 2020


Today at tech I finished my light and my clock. We have been working on them for a few weeks, the clock I made was a cloud shape and it is blue. I had a great time because it was in plastics and I like that class. It was also my birthday so I had an even better time at tech. The plastics teacher is also really nice and lets us make things that we made at the start of the year.  Here is a photo of the clock.

I am happy with how my work turned out. I am also happy with how my light turned out.

Monday, May 25, 2020

William pike

Today I got logged onto the William pike challenge. I have to write down the things that I have done so far. I am excited to do the William pike challenge. The thing me and my friends are thinking of doing is the S.P.C.A and me and my friends are going to fund-raise and donate to the S.P.C.A.

Rounding whole numbers

I can round to the nearest 10,100,1000
For the number 63 I would go to the right which would be 3 so I would round down so the number would equal 60 because I rounded down.

The number I am rounding now is 578 so I would look at the number to the right and then decide whether I round up or down so in this case I would round up so the number would be 580. 

6725 would be my last number so I am looking at the number to the right again so it is 7 so I would round up so the answer would be 7000

0, 1, 2, 3, 4 
Round down
5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Round up

Friday, May 22, 2020


Yesterday for technology I am in the electronics and plastics classes. For plastics we are making a clock. I actually did a lot of my work so next week I will get my work finished.

 In the plastics class we have to go on the computers a lot to get designs and go onto laser works which is where you put your designs in and do some other things. With the laser works app you get a silhouette of whatever you want and then copy and paste the image onto the app and then add whatever you want really. The teacher Mrs Hamilton has a laser cutter and she uses it to cut out the shapes of the clock. Halfway through the class my friend was being silly and smacked her head on the corner of a table. The plastics teacher is kind of nice but she can be a bit strict, she is a teacher that helps you most times if you get stuck on anything.

  I had to be on the computers basically the whole time so when it was pack up time I was happy. So after we packed up we then lined up on our lines and waited to go on the bus.