
Thursday, July 2, 2020


Today in tech I am still doing mechatronics and sewing, sewing is very boring. For sewing I am still working on coloring my bag, it is taking a long time because it is a hard design to color. I don't like the sewing class because it is really boring and it takes a long time to do your work. After the holidays we have 3 more weeks left in mechatronics and sewing. For mechatronics we are making robots pick things up and we had to do that again because we needed a reminder of how it works. We also got to play a game with the robots, which is where we had to code them to go onto colored dots and we get points and the aim was to see who could get the most points. Me and my buddy got 90 points but other people got like 120 points and I think a group got 140 points.

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